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The 20th Anniversary Celebration Event Held

DATE:2022-04-02 Author:admin Reader:520

April 2, 2022 is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Luther Company; these 20 years have been a period of great progress for China's geotechnical materials industry; these 20 years are also the glorious years for Luther Company to break through the waves; Come on, thank you! April 2nd, 20 years ago, was a day with special commemorative significance. Luther Company was officially established on the bank of Taiwen Road. It started with hard-working hands and started from 50,000 yuan. Step by step, people plowing at the foot of Mount Tai, strutting on the road of infrastructure construction to strengthen the country and enrich the people, from small to large, from weak to strong, all the way forward, all the way beyond, writing an extraordinary article with wisdom and sweat The entrepreneurial epic!